За световната визия на Хитлер и войната срещу международния марксизъм

On Hitler's Worldview and the War Against International Marxism - The rise of National Socialism in Germany, one of many nationalist movements to grow out of the political wasteland of post World War Europe, was based upon the notion of a Weltanschauung, or worldview, that incorporated much more than politics...

Taken in large part from this CCP article: https://www.counter-currents.com/2018...

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Дата на публикация: 29 ноември, 2018
Категория: История и нации
Ключови думи: бунт Fight Истината Europe destruction Война against stop история европа Hitler white heroes GREAT германия race Hope rise Genocide HATRED International атака RIGHTS Democracy Resistance deutschland цивилизация Awaken malevolent

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