GREAT - Meaning and Pronunciation

How to pronounce great?

This video provides examples of American English pronunciations of great by male and female speakers.
In addition, it explains the meaning of great through a dictionary definition and several visual examples.

IPA Transcription of great is /grˈeɪt/.

Definition of great according to Wiktionary:
great can be an adjective, an interjection, a noun or an adverb

As an adjective great can mean:
1. Relatively large in scale, size, extent, number (i.e. having many parts or members) or duration (i.e. relatively long); very big.
2. Of larger size or more importance than others of its kind.
3. Involving more generations than the qualified word implies — as many extra generations as repetitions of the word great (from 1510s). Derived terms.
4. Pregnant; large with young; full of.
5. Intimate; familiar.
6. Extreme or more than usual.
7. Of significant importance or consequence; important.
8. Arising from or possessing idealism; admirable; superior; commanding; heroic; illustrious; eminent.
9. Impressive or striking.
10. Much in use; favoured.
11. Dowed with extraordinary powers; of exceptional talents or achievements; uncommonly gifted; able to accomplish vast results; remarkable; strong; powerful; mighty; noble.
12. Title referring to an important leader.
13. Doing or exemplifying (a characteristic or pursuit) on a large scale; active or enthusiastic.
14. Skilful or adroit.
15. Very good; excellent; wonderful; fantastic (from 1848).
16. Intensifying a word or expression, used in mild oaths.

As an interjection great can mean:
1. Expression of gladness and content about something.
2. Sarcastic inversion thereof.

As a noun great can mean:
1. A person of major significance, accomplishment or acclaim.
2. The main division in a pipe organ, usually the loudest division.
3. An instance of the word "great" signifying an additional generation in phrases expressing family relationships.

As an adverb great can mean:
Very well (in a very satisfactory manner).

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Дата на публикация: 20 ноември, 2023
Категория: Наука и технология
Ключови думи: and GREAT Meaning Pronunciation

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