Juiced - PS2 vs Xbox - Comparison

Juiced comparison of the PS2 and Xbox versions to show the difference between how they look and run.

FPS results:


Min: 24.00
Max: 40.00
Average: 30.85
1st Percentile: 25.00
5th Percentile: 26.00


Min: 36.00
Max: 60.00
Average: 49.48
1st Percentile: 37.00
5th Percentile: 39.00


PS2 - 512x448
Xbox - 640x480

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#Juiced #Playstation2 #Xbox

Дата на публикация: 20 октомври, 2023
Категория: Игри
Ключови думи: vs Xbox ps2 Juiced comparison

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