Half-Life 2 Complete Mod Walkthrough - Offshore

Gordon was taken to an island near the coast of City 17 to locate stolen maps from his buggy, and then escape.

This mod was ok, it was certainly a nice mod when you have nothing else to do. The mod was pretty boring for me though, because it was too long, and we keep fighting the same enemies over and over and over again, and the environment almost never changes. It was pretty fun in the beginning, trying to escape the island, but it gets boring around the 5th or 6th chapter. The first time I played this mod, I didn't really know where to go, there are some areas that acquire climbing on boxes and such. This mod was also very difficult in many parts, like the Strider parts. There are so many Combines, and Hunters, fighting all these Striders can be difficult; and the second Strider part there was limited rocket ammo, so I had to leave them standing. I liked that this was one of the few mods that featured Ground Turrets, you don't see many of those. The story was about finding missing maps on the buggy, I didn't see that part at all; all we did was escape the island, not very interesting, we need more story. If we're going to make a long mod, at least make a few multiple stories in there, because just doing one thing for 27 levels can be really boring. But I'm sure the creator of this mod did a great job, and took some effort making this, and I gotta say; you did good! Just next time, try to shorten the mod, or make multiple stories and / or events, instead of just running around and shooting everything. This mod was difficult, but I enjoy a good challenge! There are so many Combine Elites and Shotgunners with Soldier groups, so be aware of that, and there's almost always a Metro with a pistol somewhere in the map, maybe even from a water tower.

Difficulty: Normal
Rating: 3 Stars


Дата на публикация: 3 септември, 2023
Категория: Игри
Ключови думи: mod Complete Walkthrough offshore Half-Life

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