Жена - Съосновател на Google - Anne Wojcicki

Anne Wojcicki
Unearthing Parkinsons Secrets
Anne Wojcicki, Co-Founder

Anne brings to 23andMe a 10-year background in healthcare investing, focused primarily on biotechnology companies. Anne left the investing world with the hope that she could have a positive impact on research and medicine through 23andMe. From her vantage point, Anne saw a need for creating a way to generate more information - especially more personalized information - so that commercial and academic researchers could better understand and develop new drugs and diagnostics. By encouraging individuals to access and learn about their own genetic information, 23andMe will create a common, standardized resource that has the potential to accelerate drug discovery and bring personalized medicine to the public. (Plus, getting access to her own genetic information and understanding it has always been one of Anne's ambitions.) Anne graduated from Yale University with a B.S. in biology.

Sergey Brin and Anne Wojcicki
BahamasSince nobody else has posted an announcement, it falls to Valleywag: Sergey Brin, the Google founder and the richest eligible bachelor in the US, and Anne Wojcicki, the down-to-earth biotech specialist he's been dating, were married last weekend. The Washington Post reports that the mystery location (guests were told only to turn up for a ride in the Google jet) was the Bahamas. A relatively mundane destination, after the rumored bachelor party expedition to kitesurf in Greenland. "Google officials said they cannot comment on their executives' personal lives," according to Reliable Source, the Post's gossip column. "But one guest told friends that Brin flew the smallish wedding party down to the islands and that the ceremony itself was held on a sandbar to which guests either had to swim or take a boat." Any other reports?

Не е трудно да се преведе на български.....

Историята на най-заслужилият човек към Мрежата и неговага любима Сергей Брин и Анна ...неговата вярна приятелка в онези отминали времена когато той заедно със Лари Пейдж денонощно пишеха и поодготвяха стртирането на Машината - Google ....тя бе и остана любимият му човек...дори много повече...стана негова съпруга
...а Сергей купи оонзи неугледен гараж от където започна пътят на Любовта му.....и неговият път към успеха

дали тази Любов не е дори повече...от това което се носи като легенди за Истинката Любов като тази която изгради Тадж Махал

Дата на публикация: 7 март, 2012
Категория: Хора и блогове
Ключови думи: Google На Жена anne Съосновател Wojcicki

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